
 Instruction  Group 1and 4 will focus on Group 1 of periodic table group 2 and 5 will focus on group 7 of periodic table Group 3 will focus on group 0 of periodic table Group 1 Metals  group 1 of the periodic table is called  alkali metals. They have similar properties, such as being shiny and good conductors of electricity. Group 1 metals typically have lower melting and boiling points than other metals. These are the trends of the group 1 metals as you move down the group: Melting and boiling points decrease Relative atomic mass increases Reactivity increases Group 7: The elements in group 7 of the periodic table are called halogens. They are all non-metals and have similar properties. The table below shows the properties of the first five halogens at room temperature. Halogen Melting point Colour Boiling Point Atomic number Mass number Fluorine -220 Yel
 Components of Nutrients:   Nutrients and their importance: ●        Carbohydrates - found in foods such as pasta, rice and potatoes; carbohydrates are used as a source of energy in respiration in cells. ●        Fats - found in fatty meats, cheese and butter. Fats have a variety of roles in organisms including insulation, energy, waterproofing, structure and protection around delicate organs. ●        Protein - found in meat, fish and eggs. Proteins are broken down into amino acids in digestion and absorbed into the blood. They are then used in cells to produce new proteins by protein synthesis, where they are used as enzymes in reactions and for structure. They can also be used for signalling as hormones, and carrying other molecules, for example haemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood.   ●        Vitamins (C and D) - Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and some other vegetables and is used in the synthe

Structure of DNA


Looking at chemical reaction

  Group work: Instruction Go through the Material and make a poster with the information you extracted from the material  Group : 1,3 and 5 Group : 2 and 4
 Using displacement reaction  Think like scientist Group 1,3,5 Group 2 and 4 Questions to be answered 1. Can iron displace aluminum from aluminum oxide? explain 2. why is the thermite reaction useful for welding Rails? 3. The early blast furnace were in areas where there were supplies of iron ore and a lot of coal mining.  why do you think this was?

Reactivity Series

  Group 1 and 2 1. make a post for how metals react with Oxygen using information given below and arrange the metals based on there reactivity 2. Group 3 and 4  make a post for how metals react with water using information given below and arrange the metals based on there reactivity  3. Group 5 make a post for how metals react with water using information given below and arrange the metals based on there reactivity 

reactivity series

  Task: Arrange the elements of Metal in its ascending order